Χαιρετισμός του Εκτελεστικού Αντιπροέδρου του ΣΕΒ κ. Κωνσταντίνου Μπίτσιου, Επιχειρηματική αποστολή του ΣΕΒ στο Αμμάν της Ιορδανίας, 9-10 Μαΐου 2016

Welcome Address by Konstantinos Bitsios
Vice-Chairman of SEV
Amman, 10th May 2016

It is a real pleasure to be here in Amman, in the home of Jordanian industry.
Onbehalf of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises I would like to thankwholeheartedly, the Amman Chamber of Industry and Senator Ziad Homsi,for your invitation and hospitality.
I would also like to thankour Ambassador to Jordan, Ms Marinaki for her substantial help, andcongratulate her for successfully promoting relations between our twocountries.
SEV, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, is theleading organization representing enterprises & industrial companiesin Greece. We have been promoting business development in Greece since1907.
As an independent, non-profit association, we are at the forefront of economic and business developments in our country.
Thefriendship between our organizations goes back many years within theframework of the European project UNIMED, which was coordinated by theUnion of Industrial and Employers’ Confederations of Europe, now knownas Business Europe.
We provided know-how, expertise and technicalsupport through 10 missions of Greek experts and advisors and 3short-term secondments of Jordanian officers to Athens.
The program delivered tangible results and contributed to the capacity-building and upgrading of the Amman Chamber of Industry.
Economicand political relations between Greece and Jordan are excellent. We areunited by historical ties and have helped each other in difficulttimes.
This is one further reason why the excellent level of our relations needs to have economic and commercial substance.
The objective is clear: To further promote bilateral economic relations.
We need to create more opportunities.
Opportunities to our mutual benefit that will spur growth, create jobs and grow our economies.
In 2015, our bilateral trade amounted to a mere 41.4 million euros.
Greek exports to Jordan amounted to 36 million in 2015 compared to nearly 48 in 2014.
Asfar as Jordanian imports are concerned, they reached 5 million euros in2015 compared to 3.4 million in 2014. Although there was an increase of49% the figures remain well below potential.
Some of the Greekcompanies present today have already a strong business presence in theJordanian market and are looking to expand it. Others are seeking newbusiness opportunities.
Indicatively I would like to mention:

  1. Aktor, with many projects and a landfill biogas-fired plant run by Ellaktor and Konstandinides company.
  2. Anipsotiki, which has installed the wind turbines in the Tafilah governorate.
  3. Asprofos with the Conceptual Design of a Gas Transfer Pipeline in the southern part of the Risha.
  4. Intrasoft Middle East, a leading IT company in Jordan today.
  5. Matrix, a registered Broker at Lloyd’s, that has undertaken many projects in the Middle East region.
  6. Metka with an engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of a 143 MW expansion to the existing open cycle gas turbine, in  Zarqa.
  7. Steelmet is supporting the business development of Viohalco Group. Viohalco’s subsidiaries have a global market presence in more than 100 countries, including Jordan.

Yesterday, representatives of the Greekcompanies participated in the high level meetings of Minister Mardaswith his Jordanian counterparts.
These were constructive meetings.
Akey element for enhancing our economic relations is overcoming thebarriers that stand in the way. I am referring to bureaucracy, highimport duties for some products and structural deficiencies.
I am certain that our presence here today will contribute to the enhancement of our business ties.
More than 50 B2B meetings will be held this evening.
Thecompanies that are present will exploit investment opportunitiesbetween our two countries and proposals on how to increase bilateraltrade and partnerships in sectors of mutual interest.
In somesectors, the objective is much broader. Greek companies have a wideexperience in sectors which are crucial to overcome economic challenges.
These include, diversifying the Jordanian energy mix, increasing energy independence and fighting water scarcity.
Furthermore,Greek companies are also worldwide leaders in the field ofconstruction. With their experience and know-how you can jointlyundertake construction and energy projects both here and in the widerregion, where Jordan is a leading player.
Of course trade cannotand should not work one way. Greece also presents challenging businessopportunities for Jordanian companies, which will be presented in thesecond part of this event.
With an investment appetite of around€100 billion over the next six years, there are plenty of partnershipopportunities in sectors such as logistics, food, energy, IT, realestate and tourism.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Jordan has suffered tremendously and has paid a very heavy price due to the regional crises in this part of the world.
I wish to assure you that in SEV and in the Greek companies attending today’s event, you have friends and partners.
Iwould like to thank you once again for the organization and the timeyou are devoting to promote our bilateral business interests and wishevery success to all present.

Thank you


    Στοιχεία εταιρίας

    Επωνυμία επιχείρησης*

    Tαχ. δ/νση διοίκησης

    Κλάδος οικονομικής δραστηριότητας*

    Έτος ίδρυσης

    Αριθμός εργαζομένων

    Κέρδη τριών (3) τελευταίων ετών (προ φόρων)

    Σύνολο ενεργητικού τελευταίου έτους

    Αρμόδιος επικοινωνίας





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        Στοιχεία εταιρίας

        Επωνυμία επιχείρησης*

        Tαχ. δ/νση διοίκησης

        Κλάδος οικονομικής δραστηριότητας*

        Έτος ίδρυσης

        Αριθμός εργαζομένων

        Κύκλος εργασιών τελευταίου έτους

        Αρμόδιος επικοινωνίας


