Δεκ 09

The evolution of illicit trade during the pandemic: Lessons and recommendations

We are pleased to invite you to a conference on the evolution of illicit trade during the pandemic hosted by Business at OECD (BIAC) and the SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises.

This joint event, will be opened by Ms. Hanni Rosenbaum, Executive Director of Business at OECD (BIAC) and Mr. Alexandros Chatzopoulos, General Director of SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises. It will provide a platform to discuss the increase of anti-illicit trade practices during the pandemic and how consumer awareness as well public-private cooperation can contribute to tackle cross-border illicit trade in the future.

During the event, Mr. Piotr Stryszowski, Senior Economist of the Task force on Countering Illicit Trade (TFCIT) at the OECD will set the scene by presenting past and ongoing work at the OECD to counter illicit trade. From the business side, Mr. David Luna, Chair of Business at OECD Anti-illicit Trade Expert Group (AITEG) and Mr. Alvise Giustiniani, Vice Chair of AITEG will show how the private sector cooperates with the OECD to counter illicit trade. From the Government side, Mr. Sotirios Anagnostopoulos, General Secretary of Commerce and Consumer Protection, Ministry of Development and Investments at Government of Greece, will highlight trends of illicit trade during the pandemic in Greece. In addition, Mr. Maurice Adéfalou – Technical Officer, IPR, Health and Safety Program Manager, World Custom Organization, and Mr. Jeffrey P. Hardy, Director General, Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), will underline the trends of illicit trade during the pandemic in the global market.

We look forward to your attendance and participation in what we hope will be an interesting and informative event.

Please find attached the agenda and register from the link below.

For any questions, you can contact Mr. Hiroki Tamura, Business at OECD (tamura@biac.org) and Mrs. Ninetta Manousi, SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (nmanousi@sev.org.gr)


    Στοιχεία εταιρίας

    Επωνυμία επιχείρησης*

    Tαχ. δ/νση διοίκησης

    Κλάδος οικονομικής δραστηριότητας*

    Έτος ίδρυσης

    Αριθμός εργαζομένων

    Κέρδη τριών (3) τελευταίων ετών (προ φόρων)

    Σύνολο ενεργητικού τελευταίου έτους

    Αρμόδιος επικοινωνίας





      Το όνομά σας *

      Το επίθετό σας *

      Email *

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      Μόλις υποβάλετε το ερώτημά σας, ένα μέλος της ομάδας μας θα έρθει σε επαφή μαζί σας το συντομότερο δυνατό.
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        Στοιχεία εταιρίας

        Επωνυμία επιχείρησης*

        Tαχ. δ/νση διοίκησης

        Κλάδος οικονομικής δραστηριότητας*

        Έτος ίδρυσης

        Αριθμός εργαζομένων

        Κύκλος εργασιών τελευταίου έτους

        Αρμόδιος επικοινωνίας


